Weddings | Lifestyle
kind words from our clients
What our clients are saying
What our clients are saying
Wow! Wow! Wow! Dis ONGELOOFLIK mooi en ons is baie opgewonde en in ons skik daarmee! Nooit kon dink dat dit só mooi sou wees nie...BAIE dankie dat jy dit vir ons so spesiaal gemaak het en ons so op ons gemak laat voel het. Ons waardeer dit opreg! Ons sien nou nóg meer uit na ons troue se foto's.
Niël en Carli
What our clients are saying
What our clients are saying
They’re so perfect!!!! I love them Ingrid!!!We’re all crying here , they so good! love them!! Oh my gosh.
What our clients are saying
What our clients are saying
Baie dankie vir die amazing experience wat jy vir ons gegee het deur ons fotograaf te wees. Daar was nie een oomblik van ongemak nie, jy het ons so laat welkom voel met die proses. Jou mens wees, lag en saam geniet het die foto sessie net soveel beter gemaak, wat veroorsaak het dat ons foto’s so gemaklik lyk. Dankie vir jou leiding deur die proses en jou tyd wat jy ons gegun het om net in die oomblik te leef. Jy is een amazing mens en fotograaf. Sal enige iemand aan raai om jou te gebruik.
What our clients are saying
What our clients are saying
Dit was so groot blessing om Ingrid deel te maak van ons groot dag. Sy het die vermoe om mens rustig te maak en het die talent om die spesiale oomblikke vas te vang. Ons fotos vertel die storie en dis presies waarna ons opsoek was. Ingrid het ook baie meer fotos vir ons gegee as wat ons verwag het. Baie dankie vir die wete dat ons vir altyd ons mooi dag sal kan onthou. Ingrid sal ek enige dag aanbeveel.
What our clients are saying
What our clients are saying
We did our engagement shoot with Ingrid and thoroughly enjoyed it ! My fiance is not one to do photo shoots, but he had an absolute blast. We are both so happy with how our photos came out.
What our clients are saying
What our clients are saying
Baie aangenaam en hulpvaardig, pragtige fotos van hoëstaande kwaliteit! Dankie Ingrid!
What our clients are saying
What our clients are saying
She turned our wedding photos, in everything we ever wanted. Ingrid has a way to make you want to take pictures (especially for someone like me who is camera shy). She made us feel comfortable with everything she did.
She captured our most precious memories, from our wedding, to our maternity shoot, and hopefully soon our family photos. I will recommend her to everyone and anyone who wants forever memories
What our clients are saying
What our clients are saying
Love Love LOVE! Ingrid. Her photos are always amazing, she is so amazing, the only person we are comfortable with, always patient with us never says no to any idea, always has great ideas and a real eye and passion for photography. She is also the sweetest person you will ever meet.
What our clients are saying
What our clients are saying
We had the best wedding and have amazing foto's to treasure forever. Excellent photographer! Thank you so much Ingrid
What our clients are saying
What our clients are saying
Ons was baie gemaklik vir mense wat nie gewoonlik sulke goed doen nie. Ons het dit baie geniet en sal BESLIS weer van Ingrid gebruik maak! x